Photo by Rick Ohnsman


Building Permits

For non-commercial buildings, an approved building permit is required for anything over 200 square feetbefore any construction begins. An approved building permit is necessary for any commercial building.

Review Deary City Code at the following links:

          Chapter 15.04 Building Code

​          Chapter 17.04 Zoning

Application Process  -

Applications must be submitted to the Deary City Clerk one week prior to the P+Z meeting in order to be on the agenda for that meeting. Deary P+Z meets the first Tuesday of the month. Once the P+Z makes an approval recommendation, the permit will be put on the City Council agenda. They meet on the second Wednesday of the month. Once approved by Deary City Council, the permit will be sent to Latah County Planning and Building for final review. 

Each application will need a site map that shows setbacks in accordance with Deary City Code. Please use the city zoning map to find the correct zoning of the property in question to ensure adherence to the correct setbacks. Please reference the second page of the building permit application to learn more about how to prepare a site map. Digital plans are recommended.

Fees  -

Window, roofing, and siding building permits are $50/piece; each project (windows, roofing, siding) requires its own permit. These can be issued by the city clerk. Mechanical Permits are $75.00.

For all other building permits, the City of Deary will call with fee assessment and any additional information or requests upon permit approval by Latah County Planning and Building.


Photo by Rick Ohnsman

Conditional Use Permits

An approved conditional use permit will allow a property to be used for a non-permitted use according to Deary City Code. 
To apply for a conditional use permit, you will need: a completed application (click here), a complete site plan showing all major details of proposed development, a time schedule, any supporting information, and a list of property owners within 300 feet of the applicant's property and their current address. Digital plans are recommended.

Application Process  -

First, a public hearing will be scheduled before the P+Z. A notice will be published in the newspaper including the time and location of the meeting, as well as a brief summary of the proposal. The owners of abutting properties will be notified by regular mail that a conditional use permit application has been filed and that they may review the application. 
Within 45 days following the public hearing, the P+Z will approve, conditionally approve, or deny the application, and forward their approval recommendation to the City Council for the final determination. Within ten days after the City Council has reached a decision, the city clerk will provide the applicant with written notice of the action taken by the council. 
If they wish, the applicant may submit to appeal the decision. The appeal must be submitted to the City Council within fifteen days of the original decision. 

For more information about conditional uses, please reference Deary City Code at Chapter 17.04.160 or the individual zoning chapter, which lists several examples of permitted and conditional uses for each zone.

Lot Division/Lot Line Adjustment

To apply for a lot division or line adjustment, you must provide a written statement explaining the proposed division/adjustment including the current zone of the original lot, the size of the original lot, the sizes of the resulting lots, a description of how the resulting lots will be served by City services, access for the resulting lots, and how the division/adjustment is compliant with Deary City Code and the Comprehensive Plan. The application should include a scaled site plan, an accurate legal description of the existing lot and the proposed resulting lots, and a county assessor's map that clearly describes and illustrates the property. Property owners within 300 feet and their current addresses must also be provided. Digital plans are recommended.

The city clerk may request additional information as necessary after review of the preliminary application. 


The application will first be reviewed by staff and legal counsel as necessary. Property owners within 300 feet of the proposed lot division/line adjustment will be mailed a public notice about the proposal 15 days prior to the planned public meeting (lot division only). Public notice will be posted on-site at least seven days prior to the public meeting (lot division only). The City Council will make a determination on the proposal as a regular agenda item.

The process will take approximately 45-60 days from submittal.

For more information about the lot division or lot line adjustment application process, please refer to the application packet.

​There is a $150 application fee for a Lot Line Adjustment, and a $250 application fee for a Lot Division.

Permit Applications

New Building

Burn Permit

The permit does not entitle the permit holder to burn in unsafe conditions. All fires must be carefully guarded with a sufficient water source. 

There is no fee for this permit. However, if a fire gets out of hand and the fire department must be contacted, a misdemeanor charge may occur and the Permit Holder may be liable for all damages.

Click here for the permit. Bring a copy of the completed form to city hall for the clerk to sign off on prior to any burning.